I am a vision girl! Vision boards, visualizing what I want to experience before it happens and speaking things into existence. I am about that life. Success, in anything, is intentional. And one thing I learned a looonnng time ago was the importance of writing down the vision you have for your life. Yes, writing down the goals you have is important, but I am taking it to the next level - what is it you desire out of life and why. This practice helps to ground me in my “movement”, it helps to keep my days centered and focused.

I am a firm believer that God has a purpose for each one of us and has given each one of us a vision for our lives. The thing though is are we still enough to hear from God, to gain clarity on what that vision is, AND obedient enough to take the steps that have been ordered for us?  Ima sit Habakkuk 2:2 + 3 on you for a second.

Before starting the agency, INKED Digital Marketing, I recall praying about what my next step should be. I then sat down with pencil and paper and started writing, I wrote down the kind of clients I wanted to work with - beauty, celebrities, and entertainment brands — done that. I desired an agency built by brilliant women from diverse backgrounds –doing that. I desired an agency that would allow me to travel – done, doing, and will continue to do. Looking back at that list gives me chills because honestly, I had NO clue how it would happen; I just believed it would and was willing to do the work to get there. 

The “why” behind embarking upon this wild + exciting journey of entrepreneurship - to create an agency where there were individuals who looked like me and to create a sustainable business where I would hit my potential, which is continuously evolving. 

As I continue to pursue more, I’ve started to realize the importance of writing down the vision you have for yourself.

  1. Writing it down helps you to get clear about what it is you desire. And getting clear helps you to quickly take note of the things, people, and opportunities that do or don’t align with the vision. 

  2. I am able to then take my written requests to God, in prayer to make sure it is within the will for me. 

  3. It helps me to stay focused. 

  4. It helps me to look back over my life to see how God has shown up and SHOWED out. 

While entering this new phase of my life, I will continue to write the vision, an evolved version, and make it plain. I continue to ask God to use me AND to guide my steps, to show me how to experience more goodness, more grace, more love, and more fulfillment with each step I take. 

As we get ready to move into the new year, I encourage you to do the same. And not just make it about your goals but to dig a little deeper and lean on the vision and then have the courage to walk in that direction. 

Friends, I wanna hear from you, share your vision with me, share a key takeaway from this post, or whatever is on your heart. Hit me up, in the comments below or on social media - you can find me at @clehayden on Instagram and Twitter if you are not following me there.


Sacrificing Good for Great?


Living My Best Life?