Friends, it’s the beginning of a new year and ya’ girl is at a crossroads in her life. My soul is stirring, my heart is pulling me and I’ve been intentionally exploring “next”. I’ve been in this space before, a few times to be honest. It’s a magical space, but it’s a little scary too. I am learning how to lean into it, not resist it, but to get curious; I’ve been taking trips, having conversations with trusted friends and advisors, and praying for clarity.  

Over the holiday - New Year's Day to be exact, after some prayer and meditation time, a thought came to me - Cle, are you willing to sacrifice GOOD for GREAT? Whoa! Are you willing to sacrifice good for great? Hum. Ok. 

Leap into it!

There is a bestselling business book titled “Good To Great, Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t”.  I read the first few chapters of this book a few years ago and I never completed the book. However, after returning to Chicago from my New Year’s trip, I pulled the book out and flipped through it. I don’t have the capacity to read the book in its entirety right now. 

The opening line reads “good is the enemy of great” then it goes on to say “few people attain great lives, in large part because it is just so easy to SETTLE for a good life”. Oh, so good. 

If you know me, personally, you know two things: 

1. I don’t believe in settling.

2. I firmly believe that God guides us in this life journey and that the spirit drops nuggets to guide us from step to step. 

If those few lines of that book were not nuggets, I don’t know what they are. Are you willing to sacrifice good for great? 

There are so many good things in my life, but babyyyyy, I desire GREAT. And I know that greatness is available to me. So, I am leaping through 2023. LEAPING and trusting. I hope that if you are getting nudges too, you take a minute to explore them. Get clear on what you want your life to look like, on what you want it to feel like, and let’s leap together. 

Before I leave you, I want to share a few other life lessons that I took from the book: 

-> Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out is a matter of conscious choice. 

-> Transformation is a process of buildup followed by breakthrough. 

-> The old adage, people are your most important asset, is wrong…it’s the RIGHT people are your greatest asset. 

-> You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, AND at the same time have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be. 

So good, right? I often say that there are many parallels between business and personal. 

Let me know if you are committed to taking a leap in 2023. Share your thoughts in the comments below.


Write the Vision.