hey friend hey!

At heart, I am an entrepreneur, I’ve always admired people who started successful businesses, taking a vision and turning it in something of impact. My grandfather, John Thomas, was my introduction to entrepreneurship. So here I am, following in his footsteps, creating my own lane. My first real entrepreneurial adventure was a non-profit organization called YoungISTA, where I partnered with organizations and schools throughout the Chicago land area to provide young ladies with workshops to encourage them to be intelligent and savvy, while showing the world they are talented and amazing. 

The next venture, an agency! What in the world? I took the skills I gathered from my corporate experiences and started Inked Digital Marketing Agency, where I currently serve as Founder and Chief Digital Strategist. We offer our clients social media and influencer marketing services and have worked with brands such as The American Hospital Association, Revlon, Flawless by Gabrielle Union, Kiss Colors and Care, Coca-Cola, Vocalo Radio, and Super Bowl Gospel Celebration. 

I am a “coach by nature”.  It is definitely innate. Spend a little time with me and I guarantee you will leave feeling like you can take on the world. And that’s because YOU can. But I am not here to coach you. I am here to inspire you to dig in, lean in, and explore the possibilities. I’ve always known spiritually that there was more in life, more for myself, more for my family and friends AND there is MORE for you.

I was born in the land of Muhammad Ali (aka Louisville) and raised in the city of Michael Jordan (aka Chicago). I have a love for fabulous experiences, visiting new cities, and evolving into the next best version of myself.