What’s Happening Here?

Heyyyy friends. I am happy you are here, with me. 

My name is Cle Andrea Hayden - I was named after both my dad and my mom. If you know another Cle Andrea, please tell them to call me, cause I have never met another. LOL. I am an entrepreneur, a dreamer, a faith walker, and an action taker. Some call me daughter, sister, aunty, and friend. I am a kingdom kid, I LOVE God and I will knuck if you buck. Don’t let the smooth taste fool you.  

I am complex, just like you. I am evolving and becoming. 

Over the last few years, I’ve worked diligently building INKED Digital Marketing Agency. Anyone who has ventured into entrepreneurship knows the challenges, sacrifices, and successes that come with the journey. And no matter how many nights I sit up trying to figure out how the puzzle connects, I will not trade it.  

Between building a business and learning how to adult, I’ve done a lot of mindset shifting. I mean going from a corporate gig to a consultant, then to a business owner with a team and whatnot has taken some mental adjustments. 

With all of the changes, there is one thing that reigns true - I am willing to bet on myself. I know that there is more LIFE available to and for you and me. I stand on 1 Corinthians 2:9 which reads:

 But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

It’s the “it is written” part for me.

This move is a passion project for me, something that has been driving me for a while. In this blog I will share more of myself - which is very different from how I normally show up - my normal M.O. is to be very private. But here is to doing things differently.

I will share thoughts and experiences around confidence, faith, freedom, mindset, relationships, wellness and so much more. 

And I want to hear from you, who are you, what are you into, what does “more” look like for you? Tell me in the comments.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I have no clue to where it will take us, but I am excited about it.




Living My Best Life?


Welcome to the Blog